After 20 years of only picking up a camera once or twice a year to shot the kids opening Christmas gifts or the like, I purchased a 1 mpx digital point and shoot camera and that's where things started to change. With the ease of digital I started shooting thousands of pictures, mostly bad pictures but pictures all the same.
I mainly just left it on auto and clicked away without a thought about composition or lighting and you can tell. Some of my pictures actually turned out good and I was satisfied with hitting on occasion. As the years went by camera prices came down and more fancy auto settings were added I went through quite a few cameras and with all these new settings my pictures got better. Well not really the functions the camera could handle got better but I was still just clicking away.
After joining photo sharing sites like Flickr and Picasa I starting seeing shots that were impossible for me to duplicate or even come close to.
On the following pages I will post my steps as I strive to become a better photographer.